At Hawes Side Academy, we are delighted to provide children with the opportunity to use a wide range of online resources to support their learning. We can offer this through a safe and secure infrastructure which allows us to manage online access, including web filtering and email systems.

Whilst through our safe and secure infrastructure we do our best to safeguard our pupils, we believe it is important for children to be aware of the range of risks associated with the use of online technologies and are committed to providing them with the skills to manage their online community safely.  A great resource for pupils to access at home can be found here.

We understand that this community will extend outside of the academy into the home. In order to support parents we have provided links to a range of documentation discussing the management of online safety below.

We are also busy working towards our online safety quality mark this shows our commitment to keeping our children safe in the virtual world and prepare them for an exciting tomorrow.


Useful Links

Staying safe online during the Coronavirus outbreak

Internet Matters
Helping parents with e-safety advice and links to games for you and your child.


Common Sense Media

Great website, if you're not sure what your child is watching, playing or doing is suitable this site will give you an answer. Also offers age appropriate recommendations of apps, games and more.


​Know It All

Resources for parents and carers includes content for young people.


​Think U Know

Specific advice for parents and carers. There are links to several websites which have additional resources and support for all age groups.


​Hector's World

A free online learning resource for children 2-9 years of age with parental advice.


The Parent Zone​ 

An online resource tested extensively to ensure it builds parents' confidence.


​Parents​ and Carers Guide to the Internet

The Parents' and Carers' Guide to the Internet', from the DfE 


How to set up the parental controls of your internet provider
Here you can find out how you can help prevent age inappropriate content being accessed online on computers in your home