'The strength of each team is each individual member. The strength of each individual member is the team'
Senior Leadership
Principal: Mrs Caroline Boothroyd Acting Vice Principal: Mrs Helen Craig
Assistant Principal & Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Mrs Marianne Beckett
Business Manager: Mrs Becky Foxton
Teaching and Learning Lead: Mrs Vicki Cooper
Phase Leaders
Foundation: Mrs Helen Latham
Phase 1 (Year 1/2): Mrs Laura Garratt
Phase 2 (Year 3/4): Mrs Kirsty Randles
Phase 3 (Year 5/6): Mrs Rebecca Wright
Pastoral Team
SENDCO: Miss Jenny Ward Assistant SENDCO: Mrs Laura Greenhalgh
Pastoral Lead & DSL: Mrs Julie Fleckney
Teaching Team
Foundation: Mrs Helen Latham and Mrs Hayley Gray
Phase 1: Mrs Laura Garratt, Mrs Hollie Francis, Miss Chloe Heald and Mrs Caroline Molville
Phase 2: Mrs Kirsty Randles, Mr Alex Fleckney, Mrs Claire Twiss and Mrs Bethany Hodgkinson
Phase 3: Mr Ashley Dawson, Miss Louise Lillie, Mrs Genna Harrop and Mrs Rebecca Wright
PPA Team: Mrs Lyndsay Black, Mrs Remy Hayden, Mrs Jane Hope
Learning Support
Foundation: Miss Marie Allan, Mrs Gill Boon, Mrs Sarah Wallace and Mrs Emma MacFarlane
Phase 1, 2 and 3: Miss Tracy Atherton, Miss Natalie Bell, Mrs Pam Emmett,
Mrs Carole Pemberton, Miss Natalie Pugh, Mrs Justine Warren,
Mrs Tina Ashworth, Mrs Andrea Bean, Mrs Caroline Black,
Mrs Lesley Clark, Mrs Carol Kneale, Mrs Angie Scott,
Mrs Trish Webb, Mrs Carol Moriarty and Mrs Juli Wiseman
Business Support
Business Support, Finance: Mrs Sue Scholes
Business Support, Pupils: Mrs Lynsey Haley-Davis
Facilities Team
Facilities Manager: Mr Andrew Malicdem Assistant Facilities Manager: Mrs Sharon McDonnell
Cleaning Team: Mrs Maria Philbeam, Mrs Jacqueline Beaton, Mrs Rosa Hogg, Mrs Rachel Ward and Mr Barry Mallinson
Mini Bus Driver(s): Mr Peter Crouch
Welfare and Catering Team
Welfare Supervisors: Ms Cressida Halewood and Mrs Vanessa Lee
Welfare Team: Mr Paul Norton, Mrs Jacqueline Beaton, Mrs Sarah Brown and Mrs Sarah Gittins
Catering Team is Mellor's Catering (click here to find out more)
Extended Schools
Breakfast and After School Club are staffed by members of our Learning Support and Welfare teams. The clubs are overseen by Mrs Angie Scott and finance and booking queries are managed by Mrs Sue Scholes