Our Governing Board


At Hawes Side Academy we have three 'Members'.  The main function of our members is to ensure, on an annual basis, that the company articles are in place and up to date, receipt of academy accounts and our annual report which will review past year performance as well as outline our future vision and objectives of the academy trust.  Our members are:


Term of office START:

Term of office END:

Active Member? Responsibility (Chair)

Named Business and/or personal interests with School (spouse / partner / relative)

Member of any other educational establishment or other governance role (list below)

Mrs Kath Corrigan 24/08/2020


Yes   None Yes   

Mrs Dawn Livesey 



No   None Yes   
Mr Lee Glynn 19/10/2021   Yes Chair None No  
Mrs Jo Hirst 01/01/2025   Yes   None Yes  


The Trustees make up the Governing Board of Hawes Side Academy and is responsible for the strategic leadership of the academy.  We have:

  • Two parent trustees (we currently have a vacancy for a parent trustee)
  • Five member appointed trustees



Term of office START:

Term of office END:

Active Trustee?


Responsibility (Chair/V- Chair)

Named Business and/or personal interests with School (spouse / partner / relative)

Member of any other educational establishment (list below)

Member appointed Trustee

Mr Daniel Taylor 05/02/2024 04/02/2028 Yes


  None Yes
Member appointed Trustee Mrs Jo Hirst 07/10/2024 06/10/2028 Yes FGB Vice Chair (from July 2023) No Yes
Member appointed Trustee Mrs Elisabeth McCreedy 05/12/2022 04/12/2026 Yes FGB   None No
Member appointed Trustee Miss Louisa Bentley 22/03/2023 21/03/2027 Yes FGB   None Yes
Member appointed Trustee Ms Jane Pinnock 02/12/2024 01/12/2028 Yes FGB      
Member appointed Trustee Mrs Sarah Willitts 20/05/2024 19/05/2028 Yes FGB   None No
Parent Trustee Mrs Sarah Blackstock 21/01/2025 21/01/2029 Yes FGB      
Principal (Ex Officio) Mrs Caroline Boothroyd 01/05/2019   Yes FGB Principal None No
Member appointed Trustee Ms Deborah Hardman





Chair (from  November 23)




Governance Structure:

For more information about our governance structure see here

For further detail in relation to declarations see here

For the academy scheme of delegation see here



Are you interested in working with the academy as part of our Governing Board? We are always happy to work with local professionals who can support our development as an academy.  No previous experience as a Trustee is required and training will be provided.

Contact Mrs Foxton at the academy for an informal discussion and further information.

Board Meetings/Meeting Information:

Full Governing Board meetings take place each half term. Historical meeting attendance is as follows: 

Governors Meeting Attendance

Updated: 03/10/2024 24 KB
Governor Meeting Attendance 23-24
Updated: 14/12/2023 40 KB
Updated: 31/08/2022 71 KB
Updated: 13/10/2021 68 KB

For further information regarding Governance at Hawes Side Academy the Chair of Trustees can be reached directly at Deborah.hardman@hawes-side.co.uk or via the academy office.  Please address any written correspondence to Mrs Deborah Hardman, Chair of Trustees, Hawes Side Academy, Johnsville Avenue, FY4 3LN.

Further company and Trustee information can be found here and below.

Clerk to Trustees
Governor Services Officer
1 Bickerstaff Square