What is the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is a grant given by the government to schools and academies in England to decrease the attainment gap for the most disadvantaged children. As an academy we will receive £1,320 for each pupil who is eligible for Free School Meals.


How is Pupil Premium money claimed by the school?

Allocation of the Pupil Premium funding is based on the numbers of pupils who have had or are claiming Free School Meals. It is vital therefore, that all families who think they may be eligible apply for Free School Meals, whether they wish their child to take the meal or not. This will ensure that pupils receive the additional funding to support them during their academic career.


How is Pupil Premium used?

Schools and academies can choose how to spend their Pupil Premium money, as they are best placed to identify what would be of most benefit to the children who are eligible. As an academy we plan how we are going to spend this money on an annual basis. In order to ensure that the use of the money is successful use of the monies is planned and this plan is reviewed throughout the year  - see strategy statement below:

Pupil Premium Statement 23-26

Updated: 26/03/2024 174 KB
Updated: 09/01/2023 122 KB


How do I apply for Free School Meals?

Registering for Free School Meals is really quick and easy. First, check if you qualify – eligibility is based on a number of criteria including receipt of various benefits. You can check this online here.


If you think you qualify, Blackpool Council will help you to register.  Registration will not affect any other benefits you are claiming.  A pupil who receives a Free School Meal will receive the same meal service in school and is not identifiable in any way.