
At Hawes Side Academy we take pride in our appearance individually and collectively.  Our uniform is part of our identity and should be worn by pupils every day.

If you wish to purchase uniform with our logo on (this is optional), these are available at the following suppliers:


1st Class Kids

Unbranded uniform may be purchased more widely e.g. at local supermarkets.

Our uniform is as follows:

  • Red V-neck sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without logo)
  • White polo shirt or white shirt and school tie
  • Black trousers, shorts, pinafore dress or skirt
  • White or black socks or black tights
  • Black, low-heeled shoes should be worn (open toe sandals are not suitable, trainers should only be worn on PE days)

In the summer term

  • Red and white checked dress

Our P.E uniform is as follows:

  • Hawes Side Academy or plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts (no cycling shorts)
  • Black pumps or trainers
  • School tracksuit or plain black tracksuit

Please note that on days where pupils have PE, they may come into the academy in their PE uniform. On all other days, full uniform must be worn.

As noted above, we encourage children to be smart and take pride in their appearance and ask parents and carers to please support us in this.

It is important that all clothing is named, otherwise it cannot be identified and returned in the event of loss.


The following items are not part of our uniform.  As such, we ask that these are not worn:

  • Jewellery (except for stud earrings when the ears have been pierced) - Earrings are not generally considered safe and parents are asked to consider this when deciding whether to allow their children to wear them. As newly pierced ears require six weeks to heal, parents are requested to wait until the six week summer holiday before allowing children to have them pierced.  Earrings must be removed for PE and earrings are not to be worn for swimming.
  • Nail varnish - Nail varnish must not be worn.
  • Make-up - Make-up must not be worn.
  • Extremes of hairstyle -  Hair must be neat and tidy at all times, and there should be no extremes of style, colour or cut. 


Our Uniform Policy

The DFE have published statutory guidance on the cost of school uniforms which the governing board must have regard to when developing and implementing our uniform policy which can be viewed here.