Over the course of this half term, the children in year 3 have been investigating light and shadows. They have discussed and investigated materials that are opaque and transparent (click here). They have also discovered new knowledge towards how light can be reflected from shiny surfaces as well as light energy being transferred into dark and bumpy surfaces like wood. Furthermore, they have commented on what the angle of incidence and reflection are. I wonder if the children could tell you what these were at home?

Last week, our enquiry question was, "Can we change the size of shadows?". The children created their own shadow puppet to answer this question. Mr Fleckney set up a shadow theatre. The children experimented by moving the light source closer and further away from the puppet. They also experimented with using different materials to make their puppets to retrieve information they had previously learned earlier this half term. 

Prior to our experiment, we wrote our own predictions. I wonder if any of us got it correct?

Dolorez predicted, "When we move the light source closer to the puppet the shadow will get bigger because it is blocking the light rays. 

Ezra predicted, "I think the light source will get blocked by the puppet. I will use card because it is opaque, so the light rays won't be able to get through".

Next week, the children will revisit their prior knowledge to write their own explanation text about light and shadows. Keep checking our school website to see their achievements.